Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Chapter 5

I have chosen chapter 5: Family Problems.  I was very interested in the information in this chapter because of the area I work in.  The family dynamics are very interesting.  There are lots of divorces, blended families, cousin’s who are also step-siblings, grandparents and aunts and uncles raising kids…. and the list goes on.  It truly does affect my students when it comes to their social interactions with adults and other children, their academics and their self esteem. 
http://psychcentral.com/news/2010/07/16/family-problems-harm-young-children/15684.html This article, Family Problems Harm Young Children written by Rick Nauert PhD Senior News Editor
on July 16, 2010, focuses on the effect of disfunction during a child’s early years.  It reports the findings of a study done with 6 year-olds in three types of family dynamics. 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZM8Q-rmgVwA This is a video called Family Issues.  I believe it was created by a teenager or a young adult.  It points out the most common causes of family problems and gives hints to children about how to cope.  It also encourages other children to remain hopeful and do their best in spite of their situation.
http://www.famres.org/ This website is an organization based in Iowa, but it provides some helpful information to anyone in need.  There is information on social programs, news events, and advocacy support.  There are also ideas and tips for managing difficult family situations.
http://www.youthranch.org/FamilyCounseling.aspx The Idaho Family Youth Ranch is an organization which offers counseling programs for families and youth.  They also help during the reunification process of families and children who have been placed out of the home for some time.
Everclear – Father Of Mine
Father of mine
Tell me where have you been?
You know I just closed by eyes
My whole world disappeared
Father of mine
Take me back to the day
Yeah, when I was still your golden boy
Back before you went away

I remember blue skies walking the block
I loved it when you held me high
I loved to hear you talk
You would take me to the movie
You would take me to the beach
You would take me to a place inside
That's so hard to reach

Father of mine
Tell me where did you go?
Yeah, you had the world inside your hand
But you did not seem to know
Father of mine
Tell me what do you see?
When you look back at your wasted life
And you don't see me

I was ten years old
Doin' all that I could
It wasn't easy for me to be a scared white boy
In a black neighborhood
Sometimes you would send me a birthday card
With a five dollar bill
I never understood you then
And I guess I never will

(Then he walked away)
Daddy gave me a name
My daddy gave me a name
(Then he walked away)
Daddy gave me a name
(Then he walked away)
My daddy gave me a name
Oh yeah
Image Detail

Chapter 7

I have chosen Chapter 7: Work and Unemployment.   I moved to Idaho about three years ago.  I taught for one year and then was laid off. Even though I had been teaching for several years, due to the decline in enrollment and budget cuts, I was unable to find a teaching position for the following year.  I had to work both as a paraprofessional and at Costco in order to make ends meet.  Even with two jobs I was unable to pay my mortgage and had to rely on my parents and food assistance for help.  This year, I am teaching again and it feels wonderful!!!

http://articles.cnn.com/2011-09-28/us/young.unemployed.bootcamp.irpt_1_national-unemployment-rate-carl-van-horn-graduates?_s=PM:IREPORT This article is called Holding on to hope: Young and unemployed in America.  It is written by Rachel Witte, Special to CNN on September 28, 2011.  Many college graduates are unable to find work in their chosen field these days, but they remain hopeful.  I know this is happening to many newly credentialed teachers.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAQBMRhVedI&feature=relmfu  This YouTube video, Student Debt Bubble About to Explode, explores the mounts of debt for college loans that students are unable to pay back because of the lack of employment post-college.

http://www.extension.iastate.edu/publications/pm1660i.pdf The website connects a pdf document that explores the stress of unemployment.  It gives advice on how to cope with the situation and how to help families facing unemployment.

http://www.nccp.org/ This is the link for the National Center for Children in Poverty.  It gives states, provides resources and keeps readers current in news stories.

Twas nearly a month before Christmas, when all through the land

Bills were a mounting, getting way out of hand;

Out of tradition, the stockings were hung with great care,

With knowledge that the kids would find little there;

Our kids would all be home hunkered down in their beds,

Knowing that Mum and Dad’s bills were growing over their heads;

With Mum in her nightgown, the dog on my lap,

We head off to bed – far few presents to wrap,

When down in the basement I heard such a clatter,

I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.

Away down the stairs I flew like a flash,

Walked up to the furnace to find it was trashed!

After recently replacing the garage door, don’t you know,

It made me start to wonder what else was about to go.

When I crawl back to bed, my wife nearly in tears,

I remind her that 2011 has got to be a better year.

“First the loss of your job, my step-dad and your mother…”

Fighting back tears, nothing more could she mutter.

With far fewer jobs and competition so thick,

Getting called for an interview has been quite a trick.

More job support groups than you could ever name,

As time goes by the topics are all the same;

“On Resumes! On Job Boards, On Interviews, I‘ve  heard them all!

If you hear of an opportunity, please give me a call!

Some say we don’t care, that it’s all just a sham,

We sit on our butts and simply rely on Uncle Sam!

Whether Republican or Democrat – whichever you choose,

I welcome the naysayers to walk in my shoes.

They called it a lay-off or they cut out the fat,

For those left behind they’re wearing more hats;

I’ve been out of work since 2009 – the 9th of that June,

Unemployment is soon to run out, I need a job soon!

I volunteer to help others to brush-up and add to my skills,

But unfortunately, working for nothing won’t pay my bills!

As I search on Monster, CareerBuilder or Indeed,

Quite often I find I don’t have what companies need.

Maybe I’m too old or kindly put – over-qualified,

Yet have the experience & background that should not be denied.

I can jump right in with little training, raring to go,

Whether it’s a job here in Detroit, out East or in Colorado!

Though my search has been long and the end still unclear,

What I’ve gained along the way are friendships so dear!

“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a great New Year!”

-Over 50 and Out of Work: contributed by a site visitor

Chapter 8

I have chosen Chapter 8:  Problems in Education.  I am a teacher, and have been for 12 years.  I am currently obtaining my Special Education credential through U of I.  With the constant shift in educational practices, and the movement toward common core standards, I feel that this is an appropriate chapter to focus on for my blog.  I am particularly interested in using technology in the classroom, and how it has changed teaching practices.

http://www.marcprensky.com/writing/prensky%20-%20digital%20natives,%20digital%20immigrants%20-%20part1.pdf  This link takes you to an article called Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants which is written by Marc Prensky.  It is taken  from On the Horizon (MCB University Press, Vol. 9 No.5 October 2001).  Even though the article is 10 years old, it is still relevant to today’s students.  We, as teachers, need to know how to adjust our teaching styles, tools and expectations to reflect our “digital native” students. 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPO_HGafBsE  This is a link to a You Tube video called “Education and the Future of Technology.”  It is a very complete and overwhelming compilation of facts and figures about the impact and abundance of technology use in the world today.  It really puts into perspective what a craze the world is in when it comes to using technology.

http://www.apple.com/education/why-apple/  This is a useful website.  I do not currently use an apple computer in my classroom, but when I taught in California, I taught at a technology magnet school which used apple computers.  I became very familiar with the programs they created for classroom use.  I am trying to keep up on these programs because I hope to have the use of a Mac in my classroom again, someday!

http://www2.ed.gov/pubs/EdReformStudies/EdTech/effectsstudents.html  This website gives an in depth look at how technology has affected students and classrooms.  It also gives some tips on how to improve teaching practices and improve collaboration among students.

Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught. -Oscar Wilde


Sunday, November 13, 2011

About Me

I am a returning student.  I have a Master's Degree in Education, and have returned to school to add a Special Education Credential to my Elementary Education Credential.  I have been teaching in low income areas for 12 years.  Eight of those years were in Pomona, California, which is a very high Hispanic population and low soco-economic area.  Currently, I am working on a Native American reservation at a public elementary school.  I see many of the same issues with students' family structure, importance of education etc. as I saw in California.  Therefore, I was interested in taking a Sociology class in addition to my Special Education courses. 

“What is the cause of historical events? Power. What is power? Power is the sum total of wills transferred to one person. On what condition are the wills for the masses transferred to one person? On condition that the person express the will of the whole people. That is, power is power. That is, power is a word the meaning of which we do not understand. ”
― Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace