Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Chapter 8

I have chosen Chapter 8:  Problems in Education.  I am a teacher, and have been for 12 years.  I am currently obtaining my Special Education credential through U of I.  With the constant shift in educational practices, and the movement toward common core standards, I feel that this is an appropriate chapter to focus on for my blog.  I am particularly interested in using technology in the classroom, and how it has changed teaching practices.

http://www.marcprensky.com/writing/prensky%20-%20digital%20natives,%20digital%20immigrants%20-%20part1.pdf  This link takes you to an article called Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants which is written by Marc Prensky.  It is taken  from On the Horizon (MCB University Press, Vol. 9 No.5 October 2001).  Even though the article is 10 years old, it is still relevant to today’s students.  We, as teachers, need to know how to adjust our teaching styles, tools and expectations to reflect our “digital native” students. 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPO_HGafBsE  This is a link to a You Tube video called “Education and the Future of Technology.”  It is a very complete and overwhelming compilation of facts and figures about the impact and abundance of technology use in the world today.  It really puts into perspective what a craze the world is in when it comes to using technology.

http://www.apple.com/education/why-apple/  This is a useful website.  I do not currently use an apple computer in my classroom, but when I taught in California, I taught at a technology magnet school which used apple computers.  I became very familiar with the programs they created for classroom use.  I am trying to keep up on these programs because I hope to have the use of a Mac in my classroom again, someday!

http://www2.ed.gov/pubs/EdReformStudies/EdTech/effectsstudents.html  This website gives an in depth look at how technology has affected students and classrooms.  It also gives some tips on how to improve teaching practices and improve collaboration among students.

Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught. -Oscar Wilde


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